IFEC 2023 Q&A : FAQ
17 teams from the universities below are elected to present at the IFEC 2023 workshop at APEC 2023
DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb
University of Belgrade Hohai University Huazhong University of Science and Technology India Institute of Technology Kanpur National Ilan University Drexel University University of Manitoba University of São Paulo |
University of Innsbruck
Leibniz University Hannover Technische Hochschule Köln -University of Applied Sciences University of Alberta University of Colorado Boulder Utah State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Zhejiang University |
October 8th 2018
Links for IFEC 2023
IFEC 2023 ECCE Presentation IFEC 2023 Technical Reference
IFEC 2023 Q&A Page 2023 IFEC Request for Proposal!
Links for IFEC 2023
IFEC 2023 ECCE Presentation IFEC 2023 Technical Reference
IFEC 2023 Q&A Page 2023 IFEC Request for Proposal!
Congratulations to the following winners:
Topic: High-Efficiency and High Power Density Isolated Bidirctional DC-DC Converter for Residential Energy Storage Systems
The Grand Prize ($10k)
Xi'an Jiaotong University The Outsdanding Performance Award ($5k) Tsinghua University The Innovation Award ($3k) Beijing Jiaotong University |
The Educational Impact Award ($1k)
University if Belgrade The Outstanding Technical Report Award ($500) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology The Outstanding Presentation Award ($500) The Ohio State University |
1 Beijing Jiaotong University
2 Cologne University of Applied Sciences 3 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 4 National University of Singapore 5 The Ohio State University |
6 Southwest Jiaotong University
7 Tsinghua University 8 University of Belgrade 9 Xi'an Jiaotong University 10 Zhejiang University |
Below are the teams who have been selected to enter the second round competition for IFEC2018. These teams will be invited to present their progress on IFEC 2018 workshop on March 4th, 2018 in the same venue as APEC 2018. The detailed agenda for IFEC 2018 workshop will be announced later.
1 Beijing Jiaotong University
2 Cologne University of Applied Sciences 3 Delhi Technological University 4 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 5 Kunming University of Science and Technology 6 National Cheng Kung University 7 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 8 National University of Singapore 9 The Ohio State University |
10 Southwest Jiaotong University
11 Tsinghua University 12 University of Belgrade 13 University of Kassel 14 University of Michigan Dearborn 15 University of New South Wales 16 Xi'an Jiaotong University 17 Zhejiang University |
Congratulations to the following winners:
Topic: High-Efficiency High-Density Isolated DC-DC Converter
The Grand Prize
Kunming University of Science and Technology The Best Innovation Award Zhejiang University The Best Education Impact Award National Taiwan University of Science and Technology The Best Report Award Beijing Insititute of Techonology The Best Presentation Award University of Maryland |
The Outstanding Thermal Performance Award (Certificate Only)
for teams who survived the final thermal test Beijing Insititute of Techonology Kunming University of Science and Technology National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Southwest Jiaotong University Technical University of Madrid |
Congratulations to the following winners:
Topic: High Power Density AC-DC Converter
The Grand Prize
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China The Second Price Award National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan The Best Education Impact Award University of Belgrade, Serbia |
The Best Presentation Award
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan The Best Innovation Award University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA The Best Report Award University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA |
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Topic (A) High-efficiency Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles and Other Applications
The Grand Prize, $10,000 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology The Best Engineering Design Award, $5,000 Kunming University of Science and Technology shadowrocket免费节点Best Innovative Design Award, $1,500 University of Michigan, Dearborn The Best Innovative Design Awardshadowrocket安卓免费版 Osaka Institute of Technology The Best Educational Impact Award, $1,000 Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul The Best Control Implementation Award Zhejiang University |
Topic (B) Battery Energy Storage with an Inverter that Mimics Synchronous Generators
The Grand Prize, $10,000 shadowrocket_2.1.12(正版).rar - 百度网盘下载 -盘58:2021-9-13 · shadowrocket_2.1.12(正版).rar百度网盘下载,shadowrocket_2.1.12(正版).rar百度网盘会员2021-09-13 09:59:18分享的网盘资源,文件大小:。更多关于的网盘资源,请到专业的网盘搜索索引擎-盘58(pan58.com)。 The 长期免费更新ssr节点, $5,000 Beijing Jiaotong University The Best Efficiency Award, shadowrocket官网 免费下载 North Carolina State University The Best Educational Impact Award, $1,000 Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology |